Monday, April 4, 2011

Don't know much about history prt.2

1) Why did FDR want to pack the Supreme Court? Did it work? Do you think this was constitutionally correct?

· So they would be in favor the new deal so it could get passed. It didn’t work and it wasn’t really constitutionally correct.

2) What is a theory about Amelia Earhart's death? Why was she important?

· That Japanese shot her down, and there was another one that she ran out of fuel and crashed into the ocean. She was the first female to cross the Atlantic, she was going to go across the world but she didn’t make it. A model of a rugged feminism.

3) What was Lend-Lease?

· America would lend tanks, warplanes, and ships that could be returned in kind after the war. He granted un presidented powers to aid any country whose defense was deemed vital to any defense.

4) Discuss the BATTLE OF BRITAIN.

· It was a 16-week air war, which caused Britain more then 900 planes and thousands of civilian lives, Germany lost 1700 aircrafts. England was about to run out of the cash it needed to keep their defense alive.

5) What were some of the reasons isolationists wanted to stay out of the war?

· They didn’t want the ammunition makers making a large profit.

6) What was the traditional definition of Fascism? Who were the Fascists of Europe in the 30s?

· A military dictatorship built on racist and power for the nationalistic foundations generally with the broad support the business class. They were people who didn’t like other governments. Hitler and Mussolini.

7) Who were the Axis Powers?

· Germany, Japan, and Italy.

8) In what year and month did Japan invade Perking?

· July, 1937.

9) What were the aggressive actions of Germany and Italy before the start of WWII?

· They marched into Austria and Hitler declared Austria re-untied with Germany. And he demanded the Sudeten land in Czechoslovakia and then they took the rest of Czechoslovakia and then he took Poland. And everywhere in Western Europe.

10) What are the two views of Pearl Harbor?

· The first was that FDR was preoccupied with the war in Europe and didn’t want war with Japan. The other one is that he wanted to be in the war and he knew about the attacks and that Japan was going to do something.

11) What does Japan cite as reasons to go to war?

· America stopped giving them oil. And America loaned money to the nationalists in china.

12) What is the date of Pearl Harbor?

· December 7th, 1941

13) What is the date of D-Day?

· June 6th, 1944

14) What was the cost of World War II?

· More than 38,000,000 people died. 22 million from Russia, 3.5 million Germans, 1.2 million Japanese a lot were soldiers, 300,000 in the united states.

15) What was the Yalta Conference?

· It was the moping up meeting between Winston Churchill, FDR, and Joseph Stalin. They met in Yalta.

16) What did Stalin demand in return for his agreement to enter the war against Japan?

· The soviets would control Manchuria and Mongolia and would be ceded half a Sakhalin Island and Kurile Islands, off northern Japan; a Soviet occupation zone would be created in Korea; and in the United Nations, a veto power would be given to the major nations, of which the Soviet Union was one, along with the United States, Great Britain, France, and China.

17) What is FDR's legacy?

· He was the indispensable man of his time, which was the Depression and WWII. The new Deal, and the first 100 days. He was a near dictator, he had a lot of power, WPA, NRA

18) Did the U.S. have to drop Atomic weapons on Japan? List the various PROs and CONs to this argument.

· Yes, If they hadn’t they would have had to invade Japan and many American lives would have been lost. It was bad because if they dropped it out of the plane and it didn’t explode then the Japanese resistance would have been a lot less.

19) How did the Cold War start?

· The idea that we have a nuclear bomb and we have it and we are not afraid to loose it, the big stick. And it was the build up of nuclear weapons on each

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