Friday, December 3, 2010

Don't Know Much About History Questions

1) Discuss the significance of Thomas Jefferson's quote: "A little rebellion now and then is a good thing...God forbid that we should ever be twenty year without such a rebellion...The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

Thomas Jefferson saw the importance of preventing the government from taking too much power. A rebellion would frighten the people in power cause they don’t want to many rebellions.

2) Why did Shay's Rebellion happen?

The new government was taking away the rights of the farmers, they were being sent to court and jail and they were being taxed.

3) The constitution is "a political creation, hammered together in a series of artfully negotiated compromises. Discuss these compromises.

A slave count as 3/5 of a person because the slave owners didn’t think they had a right to vote but they wanted the slaves to count for their senate vote. There would be a Bill of Rights.

4) What was the Virginia Plan?

Becomes the Constitution with some compromises; New Jersey did not like the Virginia Plan. James Madison came up with the Virginia plan.

5) "No person held in service" was a euphemism for what?


6) List the basic Powers and Checks of the three branches of the government.

A bill must be passed before it can become a law. The president can check congress by vetoing, or rejecting, the bill. However, congress can then check the president by overriding, or voting down, the veto. And for the judicial system the president appoints the Supreme Court justices but the senate has to approve the appointments.

7) Who wrote the Federalist Papers and why did they write them?

John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison. They wrote them to state their side about wanting a central government. They were backing up the ratification of the constitution. It was a debate.

8) Briefly outline the first ten amendments.

Separation of Church and State; The right to bear arms, Soldiers cannot be housed in a private home without the consent of the owner; The right to be free from “unreasonable search and seizure”; Provides for laws concerning prosecution, Grantees the right to a speedy public trial in the district where the crime has been committed; Grantees trial by jury; Prohibits “cruel and unusual punishment”; Defines the rule of the construction of the constitution; Grantees that any powers not specifically delegated to federal government or denied to the states and the constitution rest with the state or the people.

9) Who could Vote in the first election (what parts of the population)?

White men with land.

10) How did Washington D.C. come be located on the banks of the Potomac?

It is a secret dinner decision between Jefferson, Hamilton, and Madison. Madison and wanted to insure that the capitol was close to Virginia to make sure that Virginia still had power Hamilton wanted the two to back his bank he didn’t care where the capitol was.

11) What did Jay's Treaty do?

It eliminated British control of Western Posts, increased trade between countries and averted another war until 1812.

12) What was the "Whiskey Rebellion" and how was it put down?

The farmers rebelled because their whiskey was being taxed. George Washington led 13,000 troops to fight the rebels who were more then he had led in the revolution.

13) Describe the election of 1800? How was it finally resolved?

It was the tie between Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr, Hamilton persuaded one man to vote for Jefferson because he despised Jefferson but he despised Burr more.

14) Who was John Marshall?

John Adams placed him in the Supreme Court and he makes the supreme court what it is today. The people who held his position before were only there for a couple years but Marshall was there for 35.

15) Why did France sell its North America possessions (the Louisiana territory) to the U.S.?

After losing Haiti Napoleon realizes he needs to worry about affairs in Europe rather than creating colonies and fighting in America.

16) What did Lewis and Clark do? Describe their journey?

Jefferson sent them to explore the west. A French-Canadian trapper and his Indian wife Sacagawea who acted as guides and interpreters joined them. They went through present day Indiana and then headed up to Missouri and then went on to North Dakota, and continued exploring the west and then returned home.

17) How did Hamilton incur the wrath of Aaron Burr? Was he right in what he did? How did the ordeal end?

He made Burr lose his spot as president and as governor, causing a successful political destruction of Burr. Well yes in a sense, challenging Hamilton should have been expected by what he did to Burr but Burr betraying the United States was not right. Hamilton was killed and Burr’s plan to take over and create a new empire failed.

18) What was Jefferson's Embargo Act? Why was it unpopular and what was it supposed to do?

The Embargo act prohibited all exports into America as economic retaliation for the British impressment policy and as a means to keep America out of the war. It was very unpopular.

19) What did Tecumseh try and do?

He tried to unite the native groups because he envisioned a vast Indian confederacy strong enough to keep the Ohio River as a border between Indians and White (prevent further westward expansion.)

20) Describe the Battle of Tippecanoe?

In occurred at the junction of Tippecanoe and Wabash Rivers, The Indians inflicted heavy losses but were eventually pushed and all of their recourses were destroyed. And the prophet’s use of invincible magic was destroyed.

21) Most historians call the War of 1812 a draw. Why?

Both sides agreed on a truce and neither side lost or gained anything.

22) Describe the Battle of New Orleans.

It was a very lopsided War. British suffered more than 2000 dead, while the US casualties were 8 dead and a small number wounded.

23) What did the Monroe Doctrine state?

It declared that the United States would not tolerate interventions in the Americas by European nations. Or that the US would not interfere with already established colonies or with government sin in Europe.

24) What was the Missouri Compromise?

Missouri would be considered a slave state even though it was in the north.

25) How was the election of 1824 decided? Why was it called a "corrupt bargain"?

It was between John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay, the head of the congress, pushed to Make John Quincy Adams president and when Adams won Henry clay received a spot in the presidents cabinet. So it seems like a bargain.

26) List some of the labels attached to Andrew Jackson.

Trail of Tears, Jacksonian Democracy, Became the new idol of the American common man, Makes voting open to white men who didn’t own land as well.

27) Was Andrew Jackson an Indian hater? What did the natives call him? What "Indian Wars" did he fight in and what was the outcome? What was his native "policy" as President?

Yes he was he continued pushing the Indians westward making a ton of treaties which really didn’t help the natives at all it only helped the Americans. They called him long knife. He fought in the battle of 1812, and the creek war, and the first Seminole war. He told them that unless they completely adapt the American culture they must leave.

28) How did Jackson come to symbolize the common people?

Jackson invited the new American spirit, and became idol of ambitious jingostick younger man who called himself a democrat. He came from poverty; he was an orphan at age 16 he was the last person to fight in the revolution because he was a runner and a spy as a child.

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