Friday, September 17, 2010

Comprehension questions

3.) They left Europe and traveled to the new land because they disagreed with the religious choices in Europe. There intentions were to find a new place to practice there Puritan religion.

4.) The Puritans thought that the land belonged to who ever built a permanent settlement on it. The Puritan men did most of the labor and the food gathering, and the woman did the housework and the cleaning. The Pequot women did a lot of the labor like food gathering, the men and women were equal to the Pequots. The Puritan men thought that the men were lazy and the women did all the work and the Pequots thought that the puritans babied the women. The Indians did not practice genocide like the English did, they never kill everyone they spared woman and children, but the Puritans would kill everyone.

5.) In order for there to be trade there has to be some kind of relationship they can't absolutely hate each other or it probably won't work out. When it comes to land people get greedy and they just want more and more land so they just start taking over and in that they get more land. The Dutch purpose was to become friends with the natives so the trading would work out and the English's purpose was to get more land and not care who they push out of it.

12.) After the massacre the English wanted the Pequots to be completely gone from existence, and so they wrote a treaty that stated that. So far a long time there Pequots were supposedly not there when really there were Pequots still around, and then the remaining Pequots lived on a reservation that eventually grew and became its own society, so the Pequot rebuilt there culture and become an extremely successful society.

1.) John Winthrop wanted everything to be perfect, and he wanted everyone to agree with the puritan religion, which ment those who don't agree with it would be punished, i think you can't make everyone believe the exact same thing which makes it impossible. Everyone has to be the same.

2.) He has put the entire puritan society above everybody else, what they believe and what they think is right and everyone watching them should know that the eyes watching them are everyone not in the puritan society, watching them do the "right thing".

3.) I think that in this speech he was kind of talking about the natives. He wanted them to believe what they believed and since they didn't they were considered savages and pretty much terrible people since his plan of making everyone believe the same thing failed he had to completely wipe them out because they were supposedly wrong.

Extended Activities:

The Narragansetts escaped the epidemics for the most part. Smaller tribes suffered losses and the survivors became a part of the Narragansett tribe. The first documented contact with the Narragansetts took place in 1524 when Giovanni de Verrazano came to Rhode Island. The Narragansetts were one of the most powerful tribes in the area and offered protection to other tribes in exchange for goods or services. They had winter homes and summer homes. In the summer they would move inland for hunting, and in the winter they lived near the shore. Their culture was very similar to that of the Pequots, but they didn’t fare so badly in the wars. They tried to ally with the English rather than immediately being against them.
Scientific evidence shows Mohegan presence in Connecticut for over 10,000 years. At the time of European contact they were part of the Pequot tribe, but they soon separated. Mohegan means “wolf clan” in their language. Men were hunters and went to war. Women were farmers and also did most of the childcare and cooking. Both were storytellers and took part in art, medicine and music. Chiefs were men. Children had a lot of chores, and played games and with homemade dolls. The Mohegans favored collaboration with the English and became friends with them, starting an uneasy alliance. True to their word, they helped the English defeat the Pequots. This alliance kept the Mohegan people relatively safe during white vs. native wars.

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