Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Don't Know Much about History Questions

1) Why does the author suggest that John Brown had a sense of humor?
Because when President Buchanan put a price of $250 on Browns head, Brown responded with a bounty of $2.50 on bachanans.

2) What was John Brown's plan?
To march south and arm the slaves who would flock his crusade and establish a black republic in the Appalachians to wage war against the slaveholding south.

3) Why did John Brown become a symbol?

4) When and why did South Carolina succeed from the Union?
1860, they did not like that the republican candidate, lincoln, had become president.

5) List some of the advantages of the North at the beginning of the war. List some of the advantages of the South at the beginning of the war.

North: Had more people and more states, They were industrialized, they outproduced the south.

South: They knew the land they were fighting on, They were fighting a defensive war, they had better leadership.

6.) List tome of the (5) famous battles of the Civil War with a brief description of each.

Bull Run: It was the first battle of the Civil War, it was a confederate victory.

Gettysburg: The confederacy were actually looking for shoes and they ran into the Union. It was a 3-day battle. The union pushed the confederates back. It was the turning point of the war.

Shiloh: Confederate forces attack Grants army, The union almost lost but they were sent reinforcments whom helped pushed the confederate soldiers back.

Chancellorsville: Lee's army defeats Hookers army. Stonewall Jackson is shot by one of his own soldiers and dies.

7) How do you view Lincoln's suspension of "the writ of habeas corpus"?
I don't agree with it because it gave generals the right to arrest people based on a thought that they were a threat.

8) What if Lee's plan had not been found at the battle of Antiem?
The south would have most likely won because the Union wouldn't have nown his plans for splitting up his army.

9) What was the reconstruction?
It allowed the southern states to readmit into the Union.

10) Why did the Klu Klux Klan form?
It was a group led by former commaders and soldiers of the confederacy who were trying to prevent any black people from having a part in politics.

11) Discuss Andrew Johnson's impeachment.
He tried to dimiss War secretary Edwin M. Stanton without senate approval, which led to his impeachment.

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