Thursday, May 5, 2011

Chapter 30 Journey

9. To prevent the western influence. To stop East Germens from fleeing to the west.

10. To force the soviets to remove the missles from Cuba, the Cuban missle Crisis.

11. Allowed him to use American forces in Vietnam.

12. Herbicide they spray to clear out forests and tall grasses in Vietnam, but it was believed to have contaminated many Americans and Vietnamese causing serious health problems.

13. The north Vietnamese and Vietcong attacks on south Vietnam that took place on the Vietnamese new years Tet.

14. there was no direct attack on American soil, the generation gap the new generation didn't believe in fighting the war like the old one did, we weren't winning, it cost us a lot of money, people were being forced to join the military.

15. Reasons why LBJ should or should not run:
Not run: 1. Didn't have the support of the younger generation
2. It was a good idea to put someone new in office who had a different view of approaching the war since Johnson was already losing.
3. No one trusted his decisions involving the war.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Chap. 27 and 28 questions

9.) Winston Churchill coined the phrase, because he believed that the division between east and west was permanent. He meant that the soviets had cut off Eastern Europe from the west.

11.) In June 1947, George Marshall proposed a plan to provide massive economic aid to Europe. Between 1948 and 1951 the marshal plan contributed nearly $13 billion to rebuilding of the countries of Western Europe.

13.) It was the servicemen’s readjustment act, the law provided billions of dollars in loans to help returning GI’s soldiers sailors and marines attend college, receive special training, set up businesses, or buy homes.

15.) The 2 sides of the Korean War began negotiating in 1951 and it lasted for 2 years, before the cease-fire agreement was signed on July 27, 1953. The agreement ending the war created a demilitarized zone, a region where military forces could not enter. Neither side achieved victory, and there was no change in territory. More than 54,00 Americans died in the war and 103,000 were wounded.

16.) they began investigating communist subversion in the nation. The committee questioned people about their knowledge of communists or communist sympathizers.

5.) Hawaii, and Alaska

9.) Fidel Castro

10.) The construction of super highways, the perfection of the jet engine, the creation of suburbs, TV, television advertisement.

14.) It appealed to many Americans, in addition to affordable homes, they offered privacy, isolation, from urban problems, spaces for cars, and a sense of belonging to a community, formed by people similar in age, social background, and race. It did not however offer opportunities for home ownership to African Americans, and Hispanic Americans.