Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Howard Zinn/ A Peoples History of the United States

All throughout school we have learned that Columbus was a courageous man who founded America which is why we celebrated Columbus day. Recently, thanks to Howard Zinn we have learned something new about Columbus. According to Zinn he was a greedy man who treated the natives terribly. In fact millions of the natives died because of Columbus's treatment; some couldn't handle the temperature change when taken back to Europe, other died working all the time, and then there were those who would rather kill themselves then die while working for him. Howard Zinn's objective for this book is to tell people what it was like for "the other guys". The people who our so called "heroes" were fighting against or mistreating. I really like the fact that we are going to learn about history from different perspectives. There is no way in telling that we are going to learn the whole truth in everything that happened but its nice to learn about how the other people felt.